About Me

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My name is carol, I am a stay at home mother, I love to read, cook and walking my dogs, I love nature.. birds,animals....

Monday, August 10, 2009

going crazy!!

ok.. I am freaking going crazy with my kids.. so disrespectful.. the oldest one is.. so much..but they know I DO NOT PLAY GAMES!!.. see again they have ammunition and so do I .. as an example. they want my ammunition to run out so they can take control..NEGATIVE..NEGATIVE.. I believe my oldest child had a diffrent dx than what the dr has given him.. I don't care, I just know that I will never give up on them, but I think they want me to so they can go live with the (incubator)..not a chance.. they do not know whats good for them..we know as parents, because we have been down that road, been there, done that..kids today think they are invinsable, that they have no consequence in life.. i know I was there once..we have to as parents direct them in the right direction, even though they are putting me and my husband in our grave earlier..lol... just going crazy lately.... but one thing is for sure.. we as parents do not under mine each other and we stick together.. when I make a punishment he also enforces it.. and vice a versa.. so in the long run.. we as parents will prevail..and the story will continue!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


well, every day is a challenge any more, I wake up every morning wondering," what is today going to be like?"..we as mothers and fathers we give our all to raising our children the right way but then sometimes you just feel like you are shut down, your a failure, your this and that.. but I am not giving up.. I am not going to let the evil side get us down..every day I think to myself.. "When I am feeling down... God is up to something!.. my positive thinking is going to give my postive reactions.. I believe that in my heart!.. I see so uch out there in the world and I think.. why?. why is every body in a hurry in life?.. why do human beings not know the consequences of their actions.. why?... no one will really know.. only the lord knows..but in my heart I am giving my all to raise our children to the best of our ability!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God bless them..

today was a pretty good day.. I actually am learning to say NO!!.. to my kids and they are actually acepting it, with out an arguement.. wow!!!.. what a break through, my youngest son is 12 and he went to the pool today and I told him to be home at 5:00.. 5:30.. no son, so I went to look for him , now when I have to go looking. we have a problem.. I grounded him for a week from the pool.. he did not argue back, nothing, I was like.. so amazed.. my other son when he wants computer time its.. "MOM DO YOU NEED HELP WITH ANYTHING".. MY OLDEST SON ONLY WANTS TO HELP OUT WHEN HE WANTS SOMETHING.. NORMAL KID RIGHT.. but him getting on the computer is with a game.. na.. sometimes these games are too addicting.. especially the one he wants.. its called runescape.. but very good day today...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I really do not know why!!

I do not know why alot about my blog is about blogging when it should be about children with adhd.. hmmm.. anyways.. well, my kids are out for summer vacation.. good in a sense but not so good in another sense.. I am very much routine with our children.. now my oldest child is 13, thinking he is going to sleep in till when ever.. ok..NOT!! I must tell you I am a very loving mother but on the other hand I am a very consistant mother.. my kids come to me for everything.. when they are grounded .. they are grounded.. but then they are trying to have reverse physcology now..NA!!.. its not happening... god bless them.... they think we forget about their punishment.. we do not.. my oldest child who is severe adhd is now not taking his meds, as directed, so I am a nurse by career and I know when the meds should be taken..(BY THE DATE ON THE RX).. and how many pills should be left.. so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt to allow him to grow up.. to take his own meds by my guidance..(TAKE YOUR MEDS)..wow.. pills did not match.. now I am giving him his meds once again in the am... and sneaking, my lord, sneaking everything,.. he is sneaking everything and lieing about it.. again.. it from him hiding his meds.. sound framiliar?.. not only that.. argueing and screaming at his father and I.. defiance,
but never give up.. I swear my children are going to put me in my grave before my time!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Typical teen..

well we went to visit our new counselor today.. wonderful person.. when I say "OUR COUNSELOR". It's family therapy. as well as individual counseling for our boys.. my husband and I laid down the issues we are having in the house hold and the children laid down the issues..amazing!!.. we all left there feeling wonderful.. except my oldest who is severe adhd..odd is in his typical teen years. so anything anybody has to say is just not good enough for him.. that will pass too!!.. patience and consistency is the rule of thumb!!.. believe me. good diet !. vegetables, fruit.. I am very fortunate that my children love vegtables and fruit.. my kids would rather have spinach than candy.. they still have not eaten their easter candy very much!.. We have raised them to love vegtables and fruit. and reading..and again CONSISTENCY AND CONSISTENCY!!..Its hard but its like they have ammunition and you have ammuntion, they want your ammunition to run out so they can have power..never give up!


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